Why I Haven’t Gotten COVID

I suppose this is where I’m supposed to, “Knock on Wood,” but not being superstitious I won’t. I find myself surrounded by people who are deathly afraid of getting the coronavirus infection, who are avoiding contact with others, and who are longing for the “magic cure” they think a vaccine will offer. I embrace none of that. Instead I am confident and at peace with all the craziness simply because I’ve practiced prevention.

Of course, after saying this I could be really embarrassed if I came down with a significant infection, but I’m willing to take the risk if it might shift you to a more positive, less paranoid view of the pandemic. And then, not to be too arrogant, I am not saying I could never get the coronavirus, but that I haven’t (so far). That hasn’t been “luck,” but rather a very intentional strategy that I’m happy to share with you. You can be a victor instead of a victim!

It’s not like I don’t have potential risk factors:

  • I’m 71
  • I have an autoimmune disease (Addison’s Disease), though I don’t really feel like it immuno-compromises me
  • If I get sick, most often it is from a respiratory infection
But because of measures I take I pretty much say, “So what?” to the above. The media and politicians have convinced most people that avoidance is the answer to not succumbing to coronavirus, I disagree. My approach is prevention, and that is where my confidence lies.

I take a lot of supplements to prevent getting sick, not only from coronavirus, but just in general. I probably take more things than you would be willing to take, so I’ll try to list these in order of importance:
1. Vitamin D-3 — For years I have taken 10,000 i.u.’s per day, monitoring with blood tests a couple times per year. I usually limit our clients to 5,000 i.u.’s per day since I normally don’t have blood test results. Though I generally recommend a blood level of 50-80 ng/Ml, my last test was just over 100, to which my holistic MD said, “I’m okay with that if you are.” Everything I’ve read in these many months on coronavirus convinces me that this whole thing could largely be eliminated with optimizing vitamin D levels. A recent study found that almost 83% of coronavirus patients had inadequate levels of vitamin D. Natural medicine authority on viruses, Dr. Alex Vasquez says that 90% of the COVID deaths would not have happened with optimal vitamin D levels. Needless to say, even conventional medicine has been recognizing the significant role of vitamin D in combating the disease.
2. Zinc Picolinate — Since I get some zinc in my multi-vitamin and my multi-mineral, I just take a 50 mg capsule of zinc picolinate per day to further boost levels. Zinc is strongly anti-viral and immune-enhancing. Again, even conventional medicine recognizes the importance of zinc in both prevention and treatment of the infection. Because zinc can potentially deplete copper (and vice-versa) I take a chelated copper supplement once per day as well to keep their ratios balanced.
3. Ascorbate Vitamin C — Vitamin C is a great preventive and treatment for all manner of infections. I just take 2000 mg or so daily, though I could (and maybe should) take 4000-5000 mg. With people seriously ill with coronavirus, intravenous vitamin C in very high amounts has been successfully used.
4. Liposomal Resveratrol/Curcumin — Though Resveratrol probably is helpful, there is limited research at this point. However, Curcumin (Turmeric) is a powerful immune booster and specifically helps combat the inflammatory process affecting respiration known as the “cytokine storm.”
5. V-Clear — This is an herbal supplement of Pelargonium sidoides whose research shows it to shorten the duration and reduce the severity of respiratory infections. I have recommended this product for years, taking it at the first sign of a cold or other respiratory infection. Most of the time, taking this early seems to eliminate those preliminary symptoms by the next day. I don’t recommend taking this all the time, but just when you feel those “coming down with something” symptoms.
6. Emulsified Vitamin A — Again, though there’s vitamin A in my multi, I take an extra 10,000 – 15,000 units in a liquid, emulsified form for maximum absorption. Vitamin A is another profound stimulator of the immune system.
7. Selenium — Selenium is anti-viral, anti-replication, immune stimulating and provides cell system support. Again, though this is in my multi-vitamin and mult-mineral, I take an additional two drops of our Aqueous Selenium daily.
8. Glycyrrhizin — Glycyrrhizin is found in licorice root. It is also anti-viral, anti-replication, immune stimulating and a provider of cell system support. It also extends the half-life of the adrenal hormone, cortisol, which I am by definition deficient in due to having Addison’s disease.
9. Avoid Mask Wearing — I only wear a mask when entering a store or other building where it is required — which basically for me means the Post Office, food stores, church and restaurants (only until seated). I never wear a mask at home or out in the fresh air — that would be insane and likely encourage respiratory infection. The “science” pretty clearly indicates that masks have no significant role in either preventing you from getting coronavirus or preventing others around you from getting it.
The above is basically my personal “anti-coronavirus” program, though I also take general supplements — multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, digestive enzyme, some anti-cancer supplements, etc., which also may contribute to my present health.
As noted earlier, most people have been propagandized into believing you can avoid this virus, but you probably can’t, nor should you if you are low-risk. Certainly high-risk individuals should self-isolate for protection, but not to the point of creating extreme depression from social deprivation. The high-risk individuals need the kind of strategy I’m following because prevention via a strong immune system is the only real answer to this or any other infection.
–Monte Kline, Ph.D.

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