#04 — Dental Filling Dangers

Over 100 million Americans have mercury amalgam dental fillings.  Though most think of these as “silver” dental fillings, in reality they are 50% mercury and only about 30% silver, with smaller amounts of copper, tin and zinc.  Mercury amalgams were introduced into dentistry in 1819 in England, and soon after in France, since they were a cheaper substitute for gold.  Though the effects of mercury poisoning were well known at the time, they were overlooked in favor of mercury’s amazing ability to combine with other metals and durably bond to the tooth.


The hot debate over the safety of mercury dental fillings isn’t recent.  Actually, it began soon after their introduction over 150 years ago.  The polarization between “gold dentists” and “mercury dentists” is apparent with these 19th century journal article titles:

“Death Caused by Swallowing Large Amalgam Filling”

“Diseased Eyes and Amalgam Fillings”

“Injurious Effects of Amalgam”

“The Amalgam Fraud”

“The Poisonous Effects of Amalgam Fillings”

The controversy led to the demise of the National Association of Dental Surgeons, leaving dentistry without a professional organization.  A few years later the American Dental Association was formed, fully endorsing mercury amalgam fillings, as it does to this day.

“Pro amalgam” pronouncements by the ADA should be tempered with the understanding that it was largely founded to promote mercury amalgams.  Therefore, don’t expect to get an objective, unbiased view of amalgams from your typical ADA dentist.  As the old saying goes, “Don’t ask a barber if you need a haircut.”         


For many years the ADA maintained that mercury did not escape from the amalgam fillings.  That view began to change in 1981 when Dr. C. W. Svare reported his study in The Journal of the American Dental Association showing that mercury vapor definitely does penetrate the saliva covering the teeth.  The April 1994 issue of JADA states:

“Dental amalgam can release minute amounts of elemental mercury, a heavy metal whose toxicity at high exposure levels is well established.”

Prosthodontist Dr. David Eggleston notes various studies proving mercury amalgam does accumulate in the blood, breath, kidney and brain.  He studied 83 age-matched cadavers from the Los Angeles morgue and found three times the level of mercury in the brains of those with mercury fillings as in those without.  The only question is whether those levels are high enough to produce mercury poisoning.

Among the most interesting research proving that mercury definitely escapes from your dental amalgams, is that done in Sweden by corrosion chemist, Jaro Pleva, Ph.D.  Using a scanning electron microscope Dr. Pleva found that a five year-old amalgam filling contained only 27% mercury, as compared with its original content of 50%.  Therefore, nearly one-half the mercury escaped the filling going into the body of the patient!


While elemental mercury is dangerous, methyl mercury is 100 times more toxic to the nervous system and 1000 times more toxic in producing genetic damage.  Bacterial action in the mouth from Streptococcus mutans, a common bacteria in the mouth believed to cause dental decay, can react with amalgam fillings producing methyl mercury.  Perhaps more significantly, this “methylating” of mercury from dental fillings appears to “program” the body to hang on to mercury from other sources, such as seafood, paint, cosmetics, and other environmental sources.


Government agencies like OSHA and EPA regard mercury as toxic in the dental office both before it’s placed in a patient’s mouth and after it’s removed from a patient’s mouth.  For example, if OSHA detected readings of more than 50 mcg/M3 of mercury in a dental office, they would close the office immediately and levy a $10,000 fine.  After removal, strict disposal procedures must be followed to keep from violating environmental laws.  So mercury is toxic before it’s in your mouth and after it’s removed from your mouth.  The ADA wants you to believe that the only safe place for mercury is in your mouth!  If that makes sense to you, I’d like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.


Besides the toxicity problem with mercury, it can also create an electrical disturbance in the mouth called oral galvanism.  The dissimilar metals in your mouth in the typically acid medium of the saliva, produce a “battery” effect, such as in your car’s battery.  This resulting current flow can affect your energy levels, your immune system, or possibly other symptoms.


A wide variety of symptoms may be produced by mercury amalgam toxicity.  However, having any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean your dental fillings are the cause.  Sam Ziff, D.D.S. and Michael Ziff, D.D.S. in their book, The Hazards of Silver/Mercury Dental Fillings, note the following possible symptoms, listed by category:

Psychological:  irritability, nervousness, memory loss, lack of attention, lack of self-control, fits of anger, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, or insomnia.  Oral cavity:  bleeding gums, metallic taste, excessive salivation, or gingivitis.  Gastrointestinal:  abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea, colitis, or gas after eating (especially protein).  Cardio-Vascular:  irregular heartbeat or pulse, high or low blood pressure, and pain or pressure in the chest.  Neurologic:  chronic or frequent headaches, dizziness, ringing in ears, or tremors.  Respiratory:  persistent coughs, emphysema, shallow or irregular breathing.  Immunological:  allergies, asthma, rhinitis, or sinusitis.  Endocrine:  subnormal temperature, cold, clammy hands and feet, or excessive perspiration.  Other:  muscle weakness, fatigue, anemia, edema, loss of appetite, loss of weight, joint pains, hallucinations, or manic-depressive disorder.

Specific diseases that have been linked in some cases with mercury amalgam include multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, scleraderma, arthritis, cancer (especially leukemia & Hodgkin’s), mononucleosis, systemic candidiasis, and ulcers.


The possible symptoms that may be produced by amalgam toxicity are so vast that the above list is almost useless.  Likewise, just having one of the above diseases does not mean you have mercury toxicity.  Blood, urine and hair tests for mercury toxicity often don’t show the problem.

At Pacific Health Center we test every client for mercury amalgam toxicity by observing if the body reacts to a homeopathic dilution of dental amalgam (a remedy for mercury toxicity).  If the electro-dermal test indicates the homeopathic dilution has an energetic correcting effect on the body, we infer that a problem with mercury toxicity exists.  Likewise, when you no longer show that reaction, you no longer need the remedy for mercury toxicity, and therefore, probably no longer have a significant problem with it.


Though I generally suggest replacement of amalgam fillings for anyone as a preventive health measure, if your testing indicates mercury toxicity and/or you have a lot of symptoms that may relate to mercury toxicity, I would especially urge replacing your fillings.  Normally this is done with composite fillings, the plastic-type fillings that are the same color as your teeth.  For teeth too damaged for filling, crowns of gold, porcelain or other materials are usually used.

It is very important that the composite filling materials are compatible, lest you have a new allergic problem.  We can test you at the clinic for compatible filling materials.

There is a right and wrong way to remove amalgams.  Thus,  I do not suggest you go to your existing dentist for amalgam replacement.  For one thing, he or she probably believes the ADA propaganda that amalgams are safe and will ridicule you for even bringing up the subject.  Secondly, special training and procedures are necessary to remove amalgams (including removing them in the right sequence), so as to not create greater toxicity and reactions by removing them.  Our clinics have a list of dentists who are properly trained in these procedures.  Don’t let previous loyalties to your existing dentist get in the way of doing the right thing for your health.


It is essential that you be on a mercury detox program before, during and after amalgam filling replacement.  At Pacific Health Center we typically use the following:

  1.   Homeopathic Detox — Taking a homeopathic dilution of amalgam stimulates the body to get rid of the residual mercury.  This is the cornerstone of our detox program.
  2. Homeopathic Drainage Remedy — This second homeopathic is taken to assist the organs of elimination in getting rid of the mercury that the Detox formula is pulling out of the tissues.
  3. Multi-Vitamin/Mineral — As almost always, we would suggest a multi for covering overall nutrient deficiency needs.
  4.   Multi-Mineral — An additional multi-mineral is often appropriate.  Adequate levels of nutrient minerals, like calcium and magnesium, are necessary to displace the toxic minerals like mercury.
  5.   Buffered Vitamin C — This is essential for detoxification of any kind, including mercury.
  6.   Heavy Metal Detox — We sometimes use a specialty formula like De-Mer-Tox or Pro Systox I to assist in the process.These formulas combine garlic, amino acids, and other ingredients.
  7.   Other Possible Supplements — Depending on your electro-dermal testing at the clinic, other supplements might also be appropriate.  These might include garlic, selenium, emulsified vitamin A, pancreatic enzymes, or others.


The biggest problem I run into with mercury toxic clients is the question, “How much is it going to cost?”  That, of course, varies widely, depending on the number of amalgams you have, and if you also have crowns.  But, any way you cut it, dental work is expensive.

Rather than focus on how much it’s going to cost to have your amalgams replaced, focus on what it may cost you to not have your amalgams replaced.  Problems like chronic fatigue, mental confusion, depression, MS, cancer, or losing your life itself are beyond dollar value.        You may not be able to afford to immediately replace your amalgam fillings.  It took me a couple of years after I first knew of this problem before I could afford it.  But, by setting financial priorities, it can eventually be worked out.

Better Health Update is published by Pacific Health Center, PO Box 1066, Sisters, Oregon 97759, Phone (800) 255–4246 with a branch clinic in Portland, Oregon.  E-Mail:  drkline@pacifichealthcenter.com.   Monte Kline, Clinical Nutritionist, Author.  Reproduction Prohibited.

DISCLAIMER:  The information contained in this publication is for educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose illness nor prescribe treatment.  Rather, this material  is designed to be used in cooperation with your nutritionally-oriented health professional to deal with your personal health problems.  Should you use this information on your own, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but neither the author nor publisher assume responsibility.

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