If you’re feeling stressed from recent events or just any kind of stress, you really need to check out our ZYTO EVOX services. Likewise, if you want to better address your physical health issues by simultaneously addressing emotional connections,you will benefit from this amazing tool. EVOX is a “Perception Reframing Technology” that detects your stress and plots it across 12 “Perception Zones,” identifying its source(s). We are now making it an optional part of our year long Balancing Plan testing programs.
It’s simple, but kind of amazing. Sessions consist of two activities: (1) You speak into a headset microphone for about 10 seconds talking about the area of concern. The program shows where your voice stress is across the Perception Zones. (2) The program calculates appropriate “Balancing Frequencies” to output to you through your hand on the ZYTO Hand Cradle while you listen to relaxing music, generally for 2-5 minutes. These two-part “rounds” are repeated until a “shift” appears in your voice stress pattern, indicating your brain is processing your stress in a more positive way.
It’s like your brain is stuck in some muddy ruts in the road, thinking about that stress situation in the same way over and over again. The EVOX program gives your brain a “push” out of the muddy rut to get you unstuck.
So what happens as a result? It’s different for different people, but the most common reported change is simply feeling more relaxed and peaceful or beginning to think about the issue in a different way. Some clients have noted a change in the way they relate to others where there have been problem relationships. Others have seen phobias eliminated or at least vastly improved.
Though we most often do EVOX sessions on a single topic, we also do multi-topic sessions, such as on different elements of health (diet, exercise, digestion, stress, sleep, etc.) to determine which are your greatest underlying issues. A third type of session is the Transgenerational scan, which deals with perception issues you’ve picked up from relatives or ancestors, either by exposure to them or even genetically. The Transgenerational Program requires 5 sessions and is only done once.
I believe you can improve your healing response to almost any physical or emotional health issue by adding EVOX. To schedule or get more information, call us at 800-255-4246.