Vaccine Deaths Cover-Up

Vaccine Deaths Cover-Up

For the past 15 months writing about the China SARS-CoV-2 virus, I felt like I was in a war fighting for truth against an establishment utterly committed to obfuscation of the truth. We are living in a time when truth has been replaced by narrative — a narrative produced and propagated by those wishing to serve their own ends. Here’s a sampling of the “narrative” we’ve all been treated to for over a  year, each point of which is demonstrably false:

  • SARS-CoV-2 got started in a “wet market in Wuhan, China where exotic animals are sold for food.
  • The renamed “COVID-19” virus has killed over a half million Americans (actually the CDC says 94% of these deaths were from co-morbidities; thus only about 30,000 have died exclusively from COVID)
  • Lockdowns were necessary to stop the spread of the disease (there’s no scientific evidence that lockdowns have helped at all)
  • Social distancing was necessary to stop the spread of the disease
  • Surface decontamination was necessary to stop the spread of the disease (COVID is rarely spread from surface contamination)
  • There was no early treatment to quickly resolve the illness
  • Hydroxychloroquine was a dangerous treatment (actually safely in use for 65 years for arthritis, lupus, etc.)
  • Children were in danger of catching and especially spreading the infection to adults (no scientific evidence of this; children almost never get or spread the disease)
  • It was okay for people to be packed into Wal-Mart, Costco, Home Depot and Lowes, but small businesses, including restaurants and bars needed to be shut down
  • There are no simple, natural approaches to prevent and treat COVID
  • A vaccine was the only answer to the pandemic and getting back to normal
  • The COVID vaccine will prevent you from getting COVID or transmitting it to others

Let’s home in on that last point — vaccines.


I stand in kind of a disgusted awe at how in the world the powers that be have gotten (as of this point) 124 million Americans to be “lab rats” (as one client put it to me today) for testing a non-approved, non-long-term safety studied, experimental gene therapy falsely labeled as a “vaccine.” I both admire them pulling this off, while at the same time being angered that tens of millions fell for this mass delusion so easily. But the method was really pretty simple — just instill fear through constant media propaganda. Unfortunately, most people willingly trade their liberty for a false sense of security.


Dr. Peter McCullough is the Vice-Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and one of the top five most-published medical researchers in America, as noted in a recent article on Dr. McCullough states that the COVID-19 vaccines are killing “huge numbers” of Americans and our government is just ignoring the issue.

The latest numbers I have from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the CDC indicate that over 4100 Americans have died after getting the COVID vaccination–about 20% of them within 24 hours. Many, if not most, were healthy and often relatively young people prior to getting the shot. Just coincidental that they suddenly died? That’s the myth the “authorities” are trying to peddle, but the reality is the cause and effect is pretty undeniable.


In 1976 we had another “pandemic” called “swine flu.” A vaccine was produced, which President Ford dutifully rolled up his sleeve for to encourage everyone to get the jab. But then people started dying. After just 53 people had died, the swine flu vaccination was totally stopped. Yet now we have 80 times as many dead Americans from the COVID vaccine, but it’s not being pulled. To the contrary, it’s being pushed all the more. More people have died after getting the COVID vaccine in these last four months or so than have died from all vaccines in the past 15 years! What is going on? Why the cover-up?


The “narrative” would tell you there’s no early treatment that can quickly nip this infection in the bud. Consequently infected people are largely untreated until their condition worsens such that hospitalization and potentially deadly intubation is required. Dr. McCullough notes that early treatment could have prevented 85% of COVID deaths. That early treatment can be done at home (basically in the first five days of the infection symptoms), reducing transmission of the disease and lowering the length of the infection from two weeks to four days.

America’s Frontline Doctors ( has published a protocol using inexpensive drugs and supplements like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, azithromycin, zinc. vitamin D, etc. that generally knock this infection in a few days if taken early. Yet this approach, practiced by doctors actually treating COVID patients, has been ridiculed and demeaned by idiot talking heads on TV, politicians, and “politcal” doctors like Fauci that have never treated a COVID patient.

So why was the “narrative” that the vaccine was the only answer? It’s really pretty simple: Vaccines are a multi-billion dollar business. Big Pharma controls the media and political narrative through the gigantic amounts of money they spend buying politicians and news networks. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the Childrens’ Defense Fund noted a conversation he had with the late Roger Ailes, then head of Fox News, in which Ailes told Kennedy that Fox News personalities were forbidden from featuring stories on vaccine dangers due to Big Pharma being the largest advertiser on the channel. So, it’s all ultimately about money — big surprise!


As I have said numerous times in this newsletter, as have many medical experts, there is no need for this vaccine. The disease primarily effects certain high risk groups, not the general population and certainly not children. It can be easily prevented, as we do with our client programs. If actually contracted it can be simply and cheaply treated in a few days. The American people (and the world) was sold a bill of goods through a campaign of fear to increase the profits of Big Pharma and other big businesses, creating one of the largest transfers of wealth in history.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​— Monte Kline, Ph.D.