Do You Have Heavy Metal Toxicity?


At Pacific Health Center every appointment involves a Limbic Stress Assessment (LSA) test for reaction to heavy metal toxins.  A lot of clients show significant reactions, provoking the usual response:

Where did I get that from?

Many people are unaware of the prevalence of heavy metal toxins in the environment – particularly lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, nickel, and arsenic.  Heavy metal toxins cause cell membrane damage, produce free radicals, and cause oxidative stress.  You can pretty much name a symptom, and it may be caused by heavy metal toxicity.  Yet few people, have done any intensive detoxification in this area.

A study done by Rita Ellithorpe, MD on her own patients showed that 100% of them had the presence of heavy metals, 22% had elevated heavy metals, and 17% had potentially toxic heavy metals.

Let’s take aluminum as an example.  Sources of aluminum toxicity include aluminum cookware, aluminum foil, antacids, antiperspirants, baking powder, buffered aspirin, canned acidic foods, lipstick, processed cheese, softened water, tap water, and many prescription medications.  Health conditions associated with aluminum toxicity include respiratory problems, Alzheimer’s disease, bone disease, skin rashes, and neurological problems in children.

How about lead?  Sources of toxicity include air pollution, ammunition, cast iron or porcelain steel bathtubs, batteries, canned foods, ceramics, chemical fertilizers, cosmetics, dust, foods grown near industrial areas, gasoline, hair dyes and rinses, leaded glass, newsprint and colored advertisements, paints, pesticides, pewter, rubber toys, soft coal, solder, tap water, tobacco smoke, and vinyl mini-blinds.  Health conditions associated with lead toxicity include problems with the central nervous system, kidneys, reproductive system, decreased reaction time, weakness in fingers, writs or ankles, memory, anemia, and cancer.  There are even more problems with children (born or unborn), who are more vulnerable to lead poisoning than adults are.


Though there are nutritional supplements that help lower heavy metal levels in the body, the intravenous chelation therapy has generally been considered the ultimate treatment.  This involves sitting for two to three hours at a time with a slow drip infusion of Calcium Sodium EDTA running into a vein on your arm . . . and doing this five days a week for several weeks at a cost of perhaps $4000 to $5000.  Now there’s a better, non-invasive, proven, patented way of detoxifying heavy metals for less than one-tenth the cost of intravenous chelation.


One of our suppliers, DesBio Products, has developed a well-researched, patented chelation suppository called DETOXAMIN.  Though the suppository has a 36% bioavailability of EDTA as compared to the 100% bioavailability of intravenous EDTA chelation, the amount the ends up in the tissue is over three times greater.  While intravenous EDTA stays in the blood for just 1.5 hours, the EDTA suppository stays in the blood for 8+ hours.  In one study a baseline urine level of lead in children was 325.6 at the beginning.  After 10 days on the Detoxamin suppository, that reduced to 61.45, and after 20 days it reduced to 9.


Want to know for sure if you need heavy metal detoxification?  DesBio has a simple, inexpensive urine test you do at home that will show no, low, moderate or high levels of the common heavy metals (results in 2 minutes).  I recommend everyone take this test which only costs $19 (including shipping).  You need not be an active PHC client to do this test or to use the Detoxamin suppositories.  To order the Detoxamin Heavy Metal Test, just go to the link below or call us at 800-255-4246.  Then call or email me with your results, and I can suggest the appropriate Detoxamin program for you to use.



Two things are essential to your health:  (1) Getting the bad stuff out, and (2) Putting the good stuff in.  You may be doing a good job or putting the good stuff in with diet and supplements, but that will be in vain if you don’t do everything you can to detoxify the bad stuff out.   DETOXAMIN is a super product for helping you do that.

— Monte Kline