(See end of article to get a Free Phone Consultation with Dr. Kline to discuss your health concerns)
Could your health problems be caused by a common microorganism called Candida albicans? Literally millions of people suffer because of Candida overgrowth, yet have no idea whatsoever that it is the cause of their problems. Most people and their conventional doctors only think of Candida in terms of localized yeast infections, such as vaginal infections or oral thrush in infants. But what we’ll look it in this article is much more comprehensive and serious — a systemic yeast infection known as systemic candidiasis (pronounced “can-did-EYE-ah-sis”). We’ll look at causes and natural solutions.
Which of these symptoms applies to you?
[ ] Confusion, fatigue, depression, poor memory?
[ ] Digestive problems–constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas?
[ ] PMS, vaginitis, bladder infections, prostatitis?
[ ] Craving for sweets, breads, alcoholic beverages?
[ ] Recurrent headaches or muscle and join pains?
[ ] Skin rashes, hives, psoriasis, eczema, itchy ears or rectum?
[ ] Fungal infections like thrush athlet’s foot, jock itch?
[ ] Taken antibiotic drugs, birth control pills, cortisone or other steroids?
[ ] Sensitive to bobacco smoke, perfume, chemical odors or auto exhaust?
[ ] Feel uncomfortable in modly, damp rooms?
Here’s the scoring:
3-4 yes — possible candidiasis
5-8 yes — probable candidiasis
8-10 yes — almost certain candidiasis
Of course, the above symptoms may be caused by things other than candidiasis, that being a prime reason why candidiasis so often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Given most conventional MD’s still don’t believe there is such a thing as systemic candidiasis, it’s not surprising that multitudes don’t know they have this problem.
Candidiasis is primarily an iatrogenic disease — meaning “doctor caused.” No one ever heard of this until after World War II and the introduction of antibiotic drugs. That conventional medical treatment is really what created this problem. This is not to say we should throw out all the antibiotics, but it is to say they are greatly overused and even misused, such as the high percentage of doctors that prescribe antibiotics for viral infections, even though they know antibiotics only kill bacteria and have no effect whatsoever on viruses.
But we really need get no more complicated than this: Antibiotics kill both the “good” and “bad” bacteria. Since the beneficial bacteria, like acidophilus, in the gut normally protect us from candida yeast overgrowth, killing them off with antibiotics paves the way. Even if you’re not taking an antibiotic prescription, there are large amounts of antibiotics given to animals that you get through meat and dairy products.
There are other potential “triggers” for systemic candidiasis, including:
(1) Hormonal medications, such as corticosteroids, female hormones, and birth control pills.
(2) Hormonal fluctuations, including pregnancy
(3)The Modern American Diet (MAD for short), rich in refined sugar, which yeast loves to feed on.
The late William Crook, M.D., in his classic book on candidiasis, The Yeast Connection, summarizes the typical progression of the condition:
- Yeast growth is encouraged by refined sugar diet, birth control pills, pregnancy, hormonal changes and/or antibiotic drugs.
2. Toxins are released from the yeast weakening the immune system.
3.Weakened immune system causes the usual mucous membrane defenders to be ineffective.
4. Mucous membranes swell, yeast multiples and invades deeper tissues.
5. Nose, throat, sinus, ear, bronchial, bladder or other infections develop.
6. M.D. gives more antibiotics for infections.
7. The cycle starts again with antibiotics producing further yeast growth, toxicity and immune system suppression.
There are basically two conventional medical tests for candidiasis — blood and stool. The blood tests are similar to blood allergy tests, while the stool tests involve observing the extent of Candida growth on a stool sample. Most people don’t get really excited about doing stool samples, or to a much lesser degree, doing blood tests. I think we have a better way.
At Pacific Health Center we take simple skin resistance electrical readings with a special GSR (galvanic skin resistance) instrument. We test for Candida albicans by putting different homeopathic dilutions of Candida into the circuit. What we’re really doing is testing remedies for candidiasis and using what some have called reverse diagnosis, that is, if your body responds to the remedy for candidiasis, you probably have candidiasis.
Checking increasingly higher homeopathic dilutions of Candida can give some indication as to how deeply your body is affected. For example, someone reacting on 6x, 12x, 30x, and 60x dilutions probably has a more significant candidiasis problem than someone reacting on just the 6x dilution only. This also provides a monitoring tool, in that when we re-test you and find fewer and lower dilutions reacting, it suggests improvement.
Though not perfect (no testing method is) and not 100% accurate (no testing method is), this test for candidiasis and candidiasis homeopathic remedies is the best method I’ve seen.
As is usually the case in conventional medicine, the approach to candidiasis is to treat the symptoms with drugs. These drugs can be very expensive, even as much as $15 per pill. The most often prescribed is Nystatin. Some authorities have noted that Nystatin cannot be effective against candidiasis due to the ability of Candida albicans to mutate into different strains when being attacked. Though Nystatin is often touted as having virtually no side-effects, some clients that have taken it have told me quite the contrary. My drug reference lists diarrhea, nausea, gas, and vomiting as possible side-effects.
Another anti-fungal drug, Nizoral, can have much more severe side-effects, including liver damage. In my experience, natural approaches to candidiasis work in almost all cases, eliminating the need for drugs.
A dietary and supplement approach is needed to conquer candidiasis. Here’s what I recommend:
- No refined sugar —This is the foodCandida loves best, so you “starve” the yeast by eliminating simple sugars. This includes white sugar(sucrose), brown sugar, dextrose, maltose, corn syrup, corn sweeteners, etc. It unfortunately also should include normally “good for you” foods like raw honey, pure maple syrup, blackstrap molasses, and fruit juices.
- No alcohol —Alcohol is pure, simple carbohydrate. It’s just like white sugar in this respect, and therefore readily feeds candidiasis. Also, as a fermentation product it may produce a “cross reactivity” problem since it’s made from food type yeast.
- No refined carbohydrates —Refined grain products, whether white flour, white rice, or refined packaged cereals, almost instantly turn to sugar in the body, and therefore, readily feed theCandida.
- Avoid sensitive foods —When you react to sensitive foods, your immune system and body overall are weakened. Though food sources of yeast such as yeast baked goods and alcoholic beverages do not directly produce Candida albicans pathogenic yeast, there is often a “cross reactivity” such that your candidiasis symptoms will be aggravated when you consume these foods. These foods however, as mentioned above, may foster candidiasis through their refined carbohydrate content.
- Avoid sweetened yogurt —Thoughtheoretically the acidophilus bacteria in yogurt should be helpful in conquering candidiasis, most yogurt people eat is sugared. Even the naturally sweetened brands with fruit concentrate sweetening may be counterproductive. Another question is whether there is any viable acidophilus bacteria in the yogurt by the time it gets to you. The Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria tends to eliminate the less stable Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.
- Probiotics —A good quality probiotic supplement, ofacidophilus or other beneficial bacteria, is the foundation for conquering candidiasis. This puts the good bacteria back in the intestinal tract to kill Candida and prevent future overgrowth.
Incidentally, I’m not talking about “acidophilus milk.” If you want acidophilus in your milk, eat yogurt, where at least the acidophilus has been used to culture the milk into a more digestible (and therefore less allergenic) food. Virtually everyone is sensitive to straight cow’s milk, and adding a little acidophilus to it, without culturing, is of little value.
- Homeopathics —Homeopathic remedies for candidiasis have produced the greatest benefit in my experience. The homepathic dilutions of Candida albicans stimulate your immune system to “search and destroy” the organism. Our homeopathic approach, seldom used by most even natural medicine practitioners, is the key to our success with candidiasis.
- Caprylic Acid —Caprylic, sorbic and propionic acids are natural fatty acids that are anti-fungal. Though we use these, I seldom find them needed when we are already doing the acidophilus and homeopathics.
- Oil of Oregano —This is one of the more recent supplements found effective with candidiasis. Studies suggest it has twice the effectiveness of caprylic acid. We have had a number of stubborn candidiasis cases that corrected only after the oregano supplement was used.
- Olive Leaf Extract — This herb has strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.
- Garlic —Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic and anti-fungal. Though it is often mentioned as an excellent supplement for candidiasis, I don’t that often find it testing well on our instrumentation, and therefore don’t use it very much.
- Taheebo —Taheebo, or Pau d’Arco herb is used as an anti-viral and anti-fungal. It can be good for a wide variety of infectious problems, but again I don’t often find it testing that well with our candidiasis clients.
The key, as always, with supplementation is individual testing to determine which supplements will best help you to “conquer candidiasis.”
To get a FREE 30-Minute PHONE CONSULTATION ($80 value) with Dr. Kline to discuss your health concerns, with no obligation, click on the link below:
Better Health Update is published by Pacific Health Center, PO Box 857, Sahuarita, AZ 85629, Phone (800) 255–4246 providing remote “virtual health screening” appointments anywhere in the world. E-Mail: drkline@pacifichealthcenter.com. Monte Kline, Ph.D., Author. Reproduction Prohibited.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this publication is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose illness nor prescribe treatment. Rather, this material is designed to be used in cooperation with your nutritionally-oriented health professional to deal with your personal health problems. Should you use this information on your own, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but neither the author nor publisher assume responsibility.